Friday, February 3, 2012

Question of the Day

Hello 11th Grade Students!

Here is your question of the day:

A vendor has 14 helium balloons for sale: 9 are yellow, 3 are red, and 2 are green. A balloon is selected at random and sold. If the balloon sold is yellow, what is the probability that the next balloon, selected at random, is also yellow?


  1. A
    - Elizabeth Eskidjian

  2. A
    i dont know why its saying greg...its Adrine

  3. The answer is A
    -Tina Izakelian

  4. A- Because 9-1=8, their are now 8 yellow balloons left and altogether their are only 13 balloons now left!!!!!!! so 8 yellow/total amount of balloons (13). I win a peace prize now.

  5. A because there one yellow is sold so there are 8 yellow balloons left and 13 overall so there's an 8/13 chance you get a yellow balloon!

  6. The answer is A

    Arthur Shushanyan
