Friday, September 16, 2011

Persuasive Essay Practice

Hi Everyone!

Please read the following prompt and write a well thought out thesis statement in which you take a position on the issue and present three examples which support your argument.

In some high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours prior to graduation. Some people think community service is a good requirement because they think students will benefit from this experience. Other people think schools should not require community service because students will resent the requirement and, as a result, will not benefit from the experience. In your opinion, should high schools require students to complete a certain
number of hours of community service?

In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either one of the two points of view given, or you may present a different point of view on the question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Have a great weekend!


  1. In some high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours prior to graduation. These community service hours aid the student in understanding and "testing the waters" of possible jobs. They also gain the ability to understand how different machines are used for different occupations. Not only do they learn the machines, they also learn how to work their hours, and see if they are capable of working daily or long hours. I believe that students should complete a large amount of community service hours, to gain the experience for their futures.

  2. The student whose grades are not that bright but has a strong extracurricular background is more likely to get into a high standard University compared to a student who is more focused on their grades rather than community service. It is now required that all high school students are to complete certain number of community service hours prior to graduation. But some people might argue that students should focus more on education and school rather than being an intern at a local organization. But students will benefit from this experience and become more mature and have more global awareness. College is not all about scoring high ACT and SAT grades; they also look at your social life and what you have done for your community. Completing community service hours will allow high school students to have more awareness about jobs and how working in the future will be. It would open the eyes of students to see that if you don’t work hard in life you will go nowhere. Students will have a chance to work with different people and socialize. Therefore, students should be required to complete the amount of community hours given in order to see what their future holds.
    -Rozin Tashchyan 11B

  3. In majority of local high schools, the students are required to complete a handful number of community service hours prior to graduation. These community service hours help the student understand and get to know how people are going to be in the near future. I think that community service is an amazing way to think about what the student wants to be in the near future. The students who do volunteer hours will benefit. Once the student has experienced going to work they will understand how it feels like to work. I worked over 50 hours this summer at a local clinic. I noticed how hard it is to work, but I loved the fact that I woke up, went to work and give back to my community.

    - Elizabeth Eskidjian 11B

  4. In high school, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours, before ending senior year. This opportunity to volunteer and aid your community helps students learn something new. Having community service hours as a requirement in schools is a very important thing because it sparks interest in different area of an occupation and adds on experience in different fields of what you want to do after high school. It also helps determine how many hours you can work at a certain job, and helps prepare you for jobs and the "real" world, because once a student has experienced going to work, they will understand how life would be like after high school. I believe that having these community service hours required is the best thing a high school can do because it’s helping prepare students for their jobs in the futures.
    - Ani Izakellian 11C

  5. In some high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours prior to graduation.this provides the students with a variety of different jobs to work at. some schools may disagree with this but in some cases it helps the student prepare for the future. The extracurricular activities that students do also help them in the future by having a better looking resume for college.

  6. In most high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours. For some this is an advantage to boost thier grade and get them involved, while for others, it distracts them from thier homework and dread it. I believe that schools should assign community service hours because it helps kids get involved in their community, give them a broad view of the real world, and helps make a difference in their lives

  7. Completing community service hours can be a difficult challenge to many students. High schools are trying to decide whether it is a good idea to obtain the requirement of completing community service hours for students. I believe that schools should keep the community service hours requirement because it is a great way for students to find something they enjoy doing and get a different perspective from the several jobs and duties there are in the world. Some may say that they are too busy for community service and many services such as nursing doesn't interest them. However, there are many services you can do that can be fun such as, volunteering at your school carnival or helping at the animal shelter, and you can also volunteer during the summer if you have no time during the school year. Thus, schools should keep the requirement for community service hours to work for their community and get an experience for their futures.

  8. Community service hours is a task which every student is required to complete before graduation, in my perspective, I find it very right, because they get much experience from the jobs they are volunteering for, also they get a taste of their future jobs, and gives a student a choice of mind if they really want to still go for their future planned careers, or even thinking of a new carreer and going out for it. Not only that, they get to learn new stuff, like using new machines or watching how a doctor operates, a dentist pulls a tooth, a lawyer proves one guily and etc...

  9. In some high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours prior to graduation. For some, it may distract them from other things they have to do, and they might not have enough time. Others may love doing it because they find it fun, helps their grade, and love helping others. I believe that highschools should have communtity service hours because students should be able to make a better difference in the world, try to actually see how much work and effort you have to put in, in different things you have to help in, and should always love helping others and getting involved.

    -Anna Petrossian

  10. In the best interests of high school students today, schools require their pupils to complete a certain amount of hours of community service in order to graduate. While many teens resent this graduate prerequisite, the nationwide learning community believes that volunteers truly do benefit from the experiences they acquire during the fulfillment of these hours. During this process, students benefit from their exposure to adult working environments, emotional eye-opening moments, and provides the opportunities for service in the future.
    -Hrip Karadjian

  11. Some high schools require students to complete a certain amount of hours before they can graduate. I think it is a good idea and a good experience for high school students. Students should be aware of what the community does to help them, and making community service a requirement can benefit the student. It also prepares the student for their future career because they will be exposed to an adult lifestyle and surroundings.

  12. In most high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours prior to graduation. For some students, this might be a hard task to complete because of other extracurricular activities that they are involved in. Community service hours are a great help for high school students because they get to see what it is really like to work. Also, community service hours look great for college because students take their own time and effort to help their community.

  13. Most high schools require students to complete a certain amount of community service hours. Though this maybe considered a difficult task by many students, it is completely beneficiary towards them. It provides a sense of pride and happiness in helping others, it fosters a sense of responsibility, and it helps in building tolerance. To top all off it looks good on your college application. Therefore this is why I believe in schools requiring a certain amount of community service hours to be completed, in order to graduate.

    Garen Majarian.

  14. In many high schools, community service is a graduation requirement. This is very beneficial as it provides students with a sense of pride, teaches them responsibility and can help them decide their future careers.

  15. Many schools have been questioning the importance of community service requirements for the students. It is beneficial for the students to have community service hours for many reasons. First, it looks good on the students college application. Even though some might say it's not a big part of the application, but I strongly disagree because many schools pay close attention to the different activities the student joins, including community service. Second, it gives the student an outlook on the working life. People may disagree saying that it is just a requirement and the kids won't have fun or take anything from the experience, but there are many community service options that can be liable to what that person thinks is fun for themselves.Third, community service can even help the student decide what job they want to have when they get older. Some might say the person volunteering feels forced, therefore wouldn't pay much attention to the job, but again I disagree. Me, myself being a volunteer worker at Ararat home nursing facility discovered that I love helping people, which led to my decision in setting my goal to becoming a pediatrician.

  16. Many schools, such as ours, need at least 100 hours of community service to graduate. I agree that students in their high school years should do community service. Students should do community service hours because it gives them a chance of accomplishment, and if they like it, their future career.
    -Christina Markarian

  17. In some high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours prior to graduation. Some people think community service is a good requirement because they think students will benefit from this experience. Being required to complete a certain number of community service hours is a great way to give back to the community that does so much for us. The least we can do is volunteer and help out the ones who helped us. This also gives students an opportunity to decide on which road to take in the future. Community service hours are very necessary for students because it helps them realize how much they are helping the community.
    -Tina Izakelian

  18. Working without pay; now that's being helpful to your community. I believe at least 50 hours of community service would definitely be beneficial to high school students. It'll get them off their couches and outside DOING SOMETHING. It'll expose them to the world outside their personal lives, and it will only improve their chances of getting into better colleges.

  19. In some high schools, students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours before graduation. Community service is vital for students to complete because it introduces them to different types of careers they might be interested in pursuing after finishing high school. Community service hours also looks excellent on your application when applying to Universities because it shows them what kind of person you truly are. Volunteering also allow students a chance to help their community flourish by assisting those in need.

  20. In many schools it is mandatory to complete a certain hours of community hours. I believe that it should remain this was for various reasons. I believe that it allows students to explore the different fields of careers out there. It also is a great opportunity for students to return back to their community. Therefore, i strongly encourage students to maintain this system.

  21. How awesome would it be to go volunteer somewhere and give back to your community, making people smile and feeling good about yourself in the process? Well, by having to do community service hours for school, you'll be able to check this off your list of things to do before you pass away. By having community service hours mandatory, students are helping their community, learning some great life skills, and becoming better people for themselves.

  22. In some high schools, students are required to have a certain number of hours in order to graduate high school. That is one of the most important required because not only you are helping your community and school, you are helping yourself by getting prepared for a real working job after high school. This benefits you and others around in every way, how many hours do you have?

  23. Arthur Shushanyan

  24. second time theres no weekend hw, arthur... this is last weeks work..

  25. Students are required to complete a number of community service hours before they graduate. This is an important act to portray as a student because for one, students will have a better understanding of the outside world from there school, secondly, responsibility will grow within them, and finally, it would look great on there resume. Community service hours should be mandatory to every student before graduating.
